
10 Hilarious Family Reunion Pranks Guaranteed to Make You Laugh

Posted by Chris Hawkinson on

10 Hilarious Family Reunion Pranks Guaranteed to Make You Laugh

Imagine going to your first family reunion in years, ready to catch up with relatives you haven’t seen in a long time and spend some quality time with them. What could possibly go wrong? Pranks, that’s what. Whether you are the prankster or the butt of a prank, there is nothing more comical than witnessing a family member get pranked or pull one on someone else. The best part about these pranks is that they can be done at any type of family gathering whether it is an annual picnic or a summer BBQ. Family reunions are serious business and can be stressful for everyone involved if not handled correctly. They are also excellent opportunities to bring everyone together and have some fun at the same time. 


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Jokers Life is all about pranks, smiles and giggles.  From Scary Pranks; Funny & Party; Shocking Pranks; T-Shirts and Mugs we have everything you need to have fun at your next Family Reunion.  Still, here are 10 free (or almost free) hilarious reunion pranks guaranteed to make you laugh:

Sticky Cheeseburgers

This is one of the most classic pranks you can pull at a family reunion. Simply take some extra-sticky peanut butter and spread it on the inside of a few of the buns before you go to the event. Make sure to take a few extra buns in case you accidentally get some on the outside! This prank will pay off big-time if there is a grill where you can put the burgers on. If not, stick the buns to the table with some napkins. Once your unsuspecting victim tries to take their cheeseburger off the table, it will get stuck to the napkin and remain there until they figure out how to get it off. This prank is best when done on the host or someone who would be the most embarrassed when people start asking why it is so hard to get their burger off the table. This is a classic prank that will have people laughing for years to come!

Water Bottles

This is a great way to embarrass someone who is at the event with you. Simply take some water bottles and fill them up with soda or some other beverage. Make sure to put the original cap back on so that no one knows you switched out the water. Then, wait until the person you want to prank takes a sip of their water. They will know something is up once their mouth is burning! This prank is best done on someone who is in a relationship or with children. It is a funny prank and one that will quickly get around the event. Wait until the person you are pranking is away from others. That way, they can’t confront you and demand an explanation right away. That is the best part about water bottle pranks. They are quick and easy to do, and you can get away with them for quite some time.

Food Coloring

This is a classic prank that can be done with a few items. All you have to do is get a couple of items like water bottles or coffee mugs. Then, fill the containers halfway with water and add a few drops of food coloring until you get a nice, vibrant color. Wait until someone uses the beverage container and then look for a reaction that is priceless! This prank is best done on someone who is likely to drink from the container. You can also trick people into drinking from the beverage container by filling a glass with water and putting the colored container on top of it. This prank works best at lunch or dinner when people are more likely to be drinking liquids. You will be surprised at how well this prank works.

Slip N’ Sliding Ankle Wrap

This is a classic prank that has been used for many years. It is also a good prank if you want to embarrass someone at the same time. All you have to do is wrap a towel or cloth around someone’s ankle while they aren’t looking and then have them stand up. Once they stand up and put their weight on that foot, the towel or cloth will unwrap and either come off completely or come half-off. This prank is best when done on an unsuspecting victim. It is also great for a large family reunion since you can do it to multiple people. You can wrap the towel or cloth around their ankle and then either wrap it around their calf or their knee so that it is both funny and embarrassing.

Fake Gifts

This is a classic prank to pull on someone while they are at the family reunion. It can be done with a few people so that everyone gets a good laugh out of it. All you have to do is wrap up a bunch of boxes or bags and write out the name of someone at the event on the gift. Then, gift wrap the gift and put it under their chair or somewhere out of the way. This prank is best when done on someone who doesn’t see much of you at the event. For example, if your cousin is there but you don’t talk to them much, this is the perfect opportunity for a surprise gift! Don’t go overboard with this prank though. Make sure the gift isn’t too expensive or extravagant. This is more of a gag gift than anything else.

Ghost Train Carriage

This is a classic Halloween prank that can be done at any family reunion. All you have to do is put a sheet or blanket over a car or carriage and then tie it to the train tracks. Then, wait until someone goes to move the carriage and they think they are pulling it off the tracks. This is an excellent prank if you want to embarrass someone. If you are playing a prank on someone who is not very easy to embarrass, this is perfect. You can tie the carriage to the tracks and then wait until someone goes to move it. At that point, you can yell “Stop! The tracks are too dangerous!” This is a great prank for anyone who likes to pull pranks and has a good imagination.

Confetti Cannons During Dinner

This is a great prank to pull at a family reunion that is also funny and a bit messy. All you have to do is get some confetti, put it in some empty cans or containers, and wait until the meal is almost over. Then, hide the confetti behind you or underneath your chair and then wait for the perfect time to pull the prank. This prank is best for when you are in a seated setting with a table in front of you and other people around you. That way, you can pull the prank without anyone seeing it coming. Wait until the meal is almost over and then open the containers of confetti and let them fly up in the air. This is a great prank at any family reunion, especially if you have someone who is a bit of a clean freak at the event.

Shoe Shifting Surprise

This is another good prank to do with a table in front of you. All you have to do is take a pair of shoes and put them under the table with the toes facing out. Then, wait until one of the people at the table moves their feet and their shoes are now near the other person’s leg. Wait until the other person notices the shoes near their leg before laughing. This prank is best when done on someone who is an extrovert and who likes to engage with other people at the table. This is a very simple prank that anyone can do. It is fun and will get a lot of laughs at the table. Be careful though since you may get kicked under the table when you pull this prank.

The Unfamiliar Seat Game

This is a good, simple prank to pull at a family reunion. All you have to do is sit near someone you don’t know very well and wait until they sit down next to you. Then, wait until they try to get comfortable in their chair and then move your chair closer to them and scoot your legs into their space. Wait until they notice and then laugh and apologize. This is a good prank to pull on someone who you want to make feel uncomfortable and like they don’t belong at the event. This is a good prank to pull on someone who is shy or who isn’t very extroverted. This prank is especially good if you have a table or seats that have arms in between the chairs.


Family reunions are a great opportunity to catch up with relatives you haven’t seen in a long time and spend quality time with them. What could possibly go wrong? Pranks, that’s what. Whether you are the prankster or the